The city of Seattle today released the draft environmental impact statement for the proposed sports and entertainments arena in the Sodo stadium district.
The review began by looking at 21 sites meeting minimum property size and zoning to accommodate a potential arena, the city said.
The city’s Department of Planning and Development narrowed the list to three sites – KeyArena in Seattle Center, Memorial Stadium adjacent to Seattle Center and three alternative sites in Sodo — after an examination of transportation, economic and other review criteria.
Further review on impacts and mitigation measures will continue. San Francisco hedge fund manager Chris Hansen and other investors have proposed building a $490 million arena in Sodo with the goal of attracting NBA and NHL teams.
Public hearings have been set for Sept. 10 in the Bertha Landes Room at Seattle City Hall and Sept. 19 in the Fidalgo Room at Seattle Center, both starting at 6 p.m.
The city expects to publish a final environmental impact statement in the first quarter of 2014.